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Phone No:+ 90 534 899 09 93

Mon - Fri 08:00 - 20:00 / Closed on Weekends
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وحدات الارفف الجدارية (50)

Double Side Units

Within Market Equipments -Double side shelves made in a single body (an island) are made by providing a slimmer from both sides that allows shelves to be added to each side. Shelves are easily mobile to be added or remove any shelf, in addition to the ability to control the shelf level up and down as needed. Turkey provides you with the size shelf you need to display the shelf 55-70-90-100-121 5-135 The various altitudes 120-140-160-180-200-225 cm, as well as the depth of your favorite shelf, 30-40-50 cm, and a tripod of the median tab, which is a semi-circular shelf or state-side addition The two-sided tab allows you larger viewing areas with distinctive decor of all the colors you prefer to give your own brand identity
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Wall Unit Shelves

Wall shelves give you large storage spaces with the dynamic and ease of adding the number of shelves that work requires, consisting of the pole and the bottom of the treadmill that you’re riding, which gives you a lot of space inside the container during shipping. In addition to the backend plates and shelves, we provide you with the best fish you need to store and display goods of all kinds
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Checkout Counters

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