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Phone No:+ 90 534 899 09 93

Mon - Fri 08:00 - 20:00 / Closed on Weekends
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Within Warehouse Racks and storage solutions, Turkeyraf offers you heavy load shelves that provide you with huge storage spaces and all the capabilities you have, through a number of modern storage solutions (sliding shelves, budget shelves, thin alleyway shelves, automatic smart storage shelves) that avoid too many of the extra costs of renting large spaces, with no proper use for them, which can be extended to altitude More than 10 meters with multiple roads

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The mechanism for determining heavy load storage is based on several factors, the most important of which are : Specify the desired altitude -2- determining the expected load of a single shelf which depends on the type of stored materials, 3- the type of storage used, whether by wooden orders or cardboard boxes

Medium Loud Shelving Systems

Within storage and warehouse solutions, the average load units have less expansive metal segments than others in order to accommodate the order that they are manufactured. They take several measures of shelf depth from 40 to 100 cm, with a column cross section of 70 to 100 ml, and various altitudes from 200 cm to 1,200 cm are all determined by the relevant experts Turkey’s Raf’s task force is about each customer’s need for his work

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Light loading shelves are used to display and store goods whose cargo is light and usually does not exceed 300 kilos at the entire shelf level. Shelves are shaped like boards that are easy to move and adjust to the top or bottom, with the possibility of adding the required number of shelves per unit

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Turkeyraf offers you a shelf of light loads of all the colors and sizes required for this. This is provided to you in the form of shelves or hangs used in many areas, the most important of which are shelves and displays fabrics, clothing, foodstuffs, and various other items .. with the right columns and bridges available for that at the right thickness