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Phone No:+ 90 534 899 09 93

Mon - Fri 08:00 - 20:00 / Closed on Weekends
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Metal Shelving Systems (Wall units) designed to be used in grocery stores give you a stylish look of your supermarket while allowing you to do product diagnostics.

With TURKEYRAF You can choose the supermarket wall units according to shelving necessity. The standard height used on the market shelves is 225 cm. However, the height can depend on the area’s ceiling to be installed and this measure may vary with customer requests. The supermarket shelving Eco Wall unit usually comes with 40 cm base, upright, 30 cm top shelf, back panel, brackets, price tag and strip labels. Cream and white colors are generally chosen for market shelves while blue, red, yellow, orange and green colors are the most preferred on the market shelves.

TURKEYRAF offer professional solutions to small, medium and large sized markets with supermarket shelving manufactured from the highest and long lasting material quality .

All you need colors can be preferred according to our customers expectations and project requirements. We strive to offer every flexibility we may have as a company in the principle of fully meeting the expectations of our customers.