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184 Main Collins Street | West Victoria 8007

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Phone No:+ 90 534 899 09 93

Mon - Fri 08:00 - 20:00 / Closed on Weekends
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تجهيزات مؤسسات عسكرية - سرير طابقين (4)

Our special project productions that we have completed as Turkeyraf;

– Production of Metal Student Dormitory Bunk Beds and Student Beds for the Credit Dormitories Institution and Special Education Dormitories,
– Production of Military Metal Bunk Beds for military institutions,
– For hotels with high bed capacity; Production of Hotel Beds, Extra Beds, Folding Beds, Folding Beds / Bedsteads, Pension Beds,
– Construction etc. Production of Personnel Construction Site Bunk and Personnel Bed requested in the construction sector,
– Production of Refugee Bunk and Bed for Refugee-Immigrant camps,
– Production of Seaman’s Bed, Seaman’s Cot suitable for the use of ship personnel for maritime enterprises,
– Production of Beds specially designed for Disabled Care Centers and Elderly Care Centers,
– Production of Safe Child Bunk Beds and Child Beds for Nursery and Preschool Child Education Centers,
and many other qualified special project requests have been completed with devotion.