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وحدات الارفف الوسطية - جزيرة وسطية (7)
Gondola shelves system.In other words /double sides shelf systems/ is made in a double side shelves (an Gondola) by providing you display systems that same shape of both sides that allows shelves to be added to each side. However, the shelves displays system is easily to be added or remove any shelf. in addition to the ability to control the shelf level up and down as needed. Turkeyraf provides you with all width size shelf you need from 55 cm to135 cm ,and all upright size from 120 cm to 225 cm, as well as the depth of your need shelf from 30cm to 50 cm .
similarly, the gondola head unite it’s like tow model standart shape or half circle shape. After that, turkeyraf if it’s can proving you two options to choose the shape of back panel, its can be normal or perforated shape.
In conclusion, we can proving you all the colors you prefer to give your new business the perfect identity